Sunday 17 March 2013

LIIAR Anlysis of my Final Product


The language used in my final product was there for the purpose of persuading the audience in buying the magazine. There is offers and competitions of related interest to my audience thus enticing them more in to buying it. 

I have also used terms such as 'Exclusive' making the audience feel exclusive as well with it been only them that know what has been said along with my niche community. They are other  parts used to make the audience see such amazing talents, for example my artist is made out to be the best pianist the world has ever seen, this is persuasive and attracts my target audience.


I have chosen the institution as it gives the magazine a chance to excelled in the genre's market, this gives it the institutions main classical magazine it's primary focus to gain more market share than the magazines already out there, this is important as it is a niche audience and maximum amount of revenue must be made to increase the amount of profit.


The idea behind these choices is to make the magazine succeed in it's niche audience. By keeping and learning conventions of the classical genre, I am allowing myself to let my self into the market and make my final product be accepted


My age range for my music magazine is in the ages of 24+ and for both males and females.
The reason I chose this is because, most people under the age of 24 are not interested in my classical genre, they are more interested in rock, pop and chart music, people above the ages of 24 are more mature and start listening to classical music, this is a genre is also targeted at this age because the audience has more money and full time jobs, 24 year olds are coming out of university and starting their career. This gives the perfect age and allowing them to buy a reasonably priced magazine in their newly gained interest in the classical genre. I aim for both male and female audiences, this is to maximise sales in the magazines and it allows for more creativity in the use of colours and design. The audiences are classed as C1, B, A


This represents the community of my niche audience and therefore is important that they are represented in the way they stereo typically live their lives. There is an well known fact that there is a lot of people that look upon the higher classes of society and therefore they would feel that the conventions on the classical magazine are clear enough to represent there place in society and continue their role as a social superior.

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