Sunday 4 November 2012

Audience Research

Audience Research
Demographics, Pricing, and Audience Profiles
My age range for my music magazine is in the ages of 24+ and for both males and females.
The reason I chose this is because, most people under the age of 24 are not interested in my classical genre, they are more interested in rock, pop and chart music, people above the ages of 24 are more mature and start listening to classical music, this is a genre is also targeted at this age because the audience has more money and full time jobs, 24 year olds are coming out of university and starting their career. This gives the perfect age and allowing them to buy a reasonably priced magazine in their newly gained interest in the classical genre. I aim for both male and female audiences, this is to maximise sales in the magazines and it allows for more creativity in the use of colours and design. The audiences are classed as C1, B, A
Audience Profile
Age: 24+
Gender: Male and Female
Occupations: C1, B, A
Family: Nuclear (2 adults, 2 Children)
Class: Middle class/Upper lower
Ethnicity: All
Nationality: All
The Audience are white collared workers and are in the upper lower or middle class of social hierarchy, this is for families on good wages and have a genuine interest in classical music, these people are also most likely to be able to pay more, and however they would want a higher end final product or magazine. I have not aimed to a higher class as they are not going to read magazines also there is a lower percentage in the amount of people that in the upper middle class or higher.
The price I have chosen is £2.90
This price doesn’t seem too expensive and therefore attract the upper lower class target audience and it is also not too high that the university graduates and C1 workers are not going to buy it. The price now reflects on who buys it, for example, customers in the upper middle class are more likely magazines no more than £2.50 this is because of their stereotypes of been posh, high and mighty and to good for anything cheaper. Other magazines for this genre are also within this price range. That is why I need to keep it at a competitive pricing.
It will be a monthly magazine and that way the target audience will not be in and dated with lots of articles they don’t have time to read. They are busy and successful and I will take that into consideration.

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