Wednesday 3 October 2012

Magazine Contents Page Analysis



The main image in this contents page is in the middle of the page. The top of the page is where people will start looking when they open to the contents page, but they are immediately drawn down to the main image. There are many features that make the articles stand out on this page, for example; the thing that stands out the most is the bright chrome jacket in the main image, that is used in the contrasting background to create effect. The use of red keeps in with the main theme of the magazine and the makes the mood of danger and love more clearer. The white mixes in very well showing innocence within the contents and therefore article despite the alarming redness.


It is also easy to read so the viewers are more likely to want to buy it due to its reading ease, the consumer’s age range doesn’t want to be having to look at a confusing layout, and the numbers on the top right corners showing the page number makes it easier to find and read the main article, the numbers also have a musical font in them.


Big names such as the Beatles are written much bigger so they can be seen more clearly and therefore the reader will be more familiar with the magazine and what they want you too read.




The topless man appeals to the female readers and this proves that the sexual denotations are used again on the magazine. The magazine is mainstream as it uses the same colours each issue and is conventional too as it is easy for the readers to see. It goes through the stages most magazines go through, for example it may follow the latest 'gossip' in the world of music. There is no rebellious connotation to this contents page as it is not targeted at that kind of audience. There is no political reference in the contents page even though it is to an older audience.


The institution publishes other popular magazines such as Closer and FHM these kind of magazines are used by the same target audience as the people that use Q magazine so they will be familiar with the type of layout, and it is in there expectations that it is of the standard that they are use to.


Audience and Representation


The audience is represented by the simplicity of the layout which reflects on their age group, as they are in the 25+ age band, they would like to just find an article and go to it. The small text descriptions show their intelligence and the few amount of what are quite basic not to detailed pictures. They are also represented by the age of the headline bands that they have their articles, the Beatles are a very old band and the age of the audience is represented by this, as appose to modern day artists like Coldplay then they are represented very well in my opinion.

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