Saturday 13 October 2012


Cover Page


Following the Real Conventional Media Products


I used a medium close up in my front cover to show the body language that students at Wyke have, it also portrays their feeling and emotion. I think that the medium close up shot is good for making the audience empathise if it is a dark image and envy if the image displays a positive denotation. The medium close up shot connotations are making you feel as though you are there talking to someone and makes you feel as thought you are part of a community. The use of a direct mode of address insinuates that they are happy where they are and it encourages you to join them.


The masthead that I used was very bold and was made with an easy to read font this is so the people that see it, it catches their eye because the text is on a slant and proves its abstractness and therefore it shows that the college is standing out above others too and I want my audience to think that. The white background is there to represent cleanliness and purity along with innocents. The teenagers or students in the main image are clearly happy about attending the college and I want that denotation to affect the audience with a positive impact.


The tag line is “the college with a difference” this means that the college is completely unique at the first impressions, feedback from my peers say that it is an over effective tag line, it is also a statement that lives up to its expectations.


A quote from Ofsted is placed at the top as that is the first thing someone looks at when they see a magazine cover or poster, the quote is an effective one simply saying “Outstanding” this is the highest result any college or school can get and that is well known buy pupils or student and their parents.


Having the image of the college principle shows that he values the student’s education and he likes to interact with the parents and pupils to keep them up to date, this is what people want to see and what they want to read and it will therefore be read by more people.




This has high morals at it shows student that want to learn and the mise-en-scene proves this, the student on the left, the male is holding on to a folder showing he values his education, the audience that see this are getting positive connotations and are getting the message that if you want to learn come to this college. My target audience is the parents and students of the college and others that might see it so I have to make sure that the message I getting across to them through the main image and I feel as though that I have done that well.


Audience and Why I Chose Them


My audience is males and females that are parents and students. The students that I target my magazine at are 15-18 year olds, the age is quite low because I want more people to come to Wyke and targeting to possible students is a step forward in the right direction. I have chose parents to look at the magazine because they should be involved in their children’s education and to help them make the right choices.


Representation of Social Groups


This represents the college and everybody involved within it so the students, parents, tutors and companies that might work there, the magazine moves away from the stereotypical student and moves to an unseen light, the people on the cover are shown as hard workers and thus meaning that the tutors, parents and possible companies that work at the college are hard working to, this all sets a high standard for other colleges and makes it hard for them to compete.




I liked the special effects you could use on text it made my entire title stand out more, this enabled me to use the media language and conventions that I wanted in my magazine, and this also allowed my magazine cover to look how I wanted.


The rotation tool allowed me to make my cover look more abstract and I think it is important that the other features like scaling was there as some images where too big and were unable to use, fortunately I was able to counter that using the transformations.


The layers were a great feature to have as it made other areas stand out more than others as you could re-arrange them and change the opacity of the layers making text more visible and this was important as they where taglines.


I didn’t want to over complicate my Magazine cover so I decided to use no more features on Photoshop and it would look over completed as a consequence, and subsequently confuse the audience.

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