Monday 22 October 2012

Contents Page Analysis


The colour used in this contents page signifies purity and innocence, this is because of the use of white. This makes the colour match the message that this genre is trying to promote. The black and white contrast enables the contents page to grab the readers attention. The font used makes the magazine look fancy and of a higher class, the font therefore reflects on the buyer or target audience. It at no point does it use the word page, it just has the number, this makes the reader see that the magazine is clean and less clogged up with other features, the white background on the silver numbers also makes it look of a higher value, silver is the colour of the flute a classical instrument and in conjunction with that silver is experiences and that again links with the target audience, if it is black then that is a page number colour usually in magazines of other music genres. It only shows interesting articles or regular articles that are put in. This is a convention to most music magazines, they do this so the it is easier for the reader to read and find their way to parts they want to read.


The reasoning behind this is to reflect on to the genre, this is important as it is conventional for the common classical music to be scene as innocent and pure, the white shows this in the contents page. The difference from a classical music magazine conventions differs from the conventions found in a pop or rock music magazine, this idea of colour and one image shows that it is more upper middle class that it is aimed at also this makes you instantly recognise the classical music genre as there is no other magazine really like it in terms of conventions.


This contents page represents the classical music genre so the use of font, colour and text is reflected upon the genre itself. The people or target audience is also represented, it needs to be of a high standard in order for them to buy it, as they can be judged. It is targeted at middle class families and instrument players as well so again the conventions need to be right to show the person reading it, the use of a fancy font will contribute to this.

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