Monday 22 October 2012

Classical Magazine Cover

Features and conventions of a Classical Magazine Cover


There is a bold large masthead signifies that there is more a larger importance in getting the Classical message across rather than the music despite it been a music magazine. The music part of it shows the writing on a side, not only represent the unbalanced main image but it also shows the music is different and therefore the magazine, making their target audience and mine want to buy as curiosity get the better of them. The main image has a red tint to it representing the madness that lies beneath the page. There is also the pull quote and a tag line this represents the typical conventions of this type of genre and its magazines. The date and price are printed small, suiting the target audience as it is out of the way and doesn't get in the way of everything.


the institution for this is Rhine Gold these are known for this magazine predominately so it will be the same intuition that I will use, this allows me to get the quality that my target audience wants and that I want too.


The meaning behind the connotation of this front cover is that it has the audiences attention  as it has a picture of a soldier in anther soldiers arms this creates sympathy and therefore it detonates to the deeper meaning of heroism and therefore will make the target audience morel likely to buy it


This target audience is mine too, the audience is a well off family and a genuine interest in classical music. The family is meant to be a nuclear family and one of them plays an instrument, the target audience also maybe on a good wage bracket to afford this magazine on a regular basis and ensure that it is not to cheep in addition.


This cover represents war hero's as well as the classical music genre, it represents the people who buy it as well as the people who are featured in it. The institution is another group represented by this magazine so quailty i what matters and it is therefore dependent on that.

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